
Dear Cathy, Matthew, Felicia, Yang N & Yang Wa (I can spell your name right), 
Thanks for your email and I glad you check our web site to know about the ship more. 
The ship arrived in Fukuoka on 11 May, everything is fine. 
Thank you for your asking. 

I am happy to hear that you all involve in Mission Camp, hope you all can listen what God wants to tell you. 
Pray that you all have unity to work together, strength together and ask for wisdom from the Lord our God. 
I believed that God use everyone one of us as His vessel to share His love to others. 

Dominic, they are very good and he shared to me, they were so blessed. 
And he mentioned you guys went to his place and cook for him. 
He is so appreciate what you guys done for him and his family. 
And the baby girl, Hannah, she is so cute and we can see her growing up day by day. 
Such a beautiful girl. 

Thanks again for your care, please send my greeting to the others. 

Many blessing 
Wai Sum

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